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Milli Pro, Flower base

Biķernieku 1, Rīga, LV-1039
flowers, stage decors, roses, flower mail, flower delivery to addressee, pins, decors, compositions, show -window
  • 1 Flowers, floristic, sale

Flower, garden goods salon PUĶU BODE, LTD Anemone S

Uzvaras 5, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
addressee, pins, decors, gifts, gift bags, wrapping, compositions, room decoration, florist services, show -window
  • 2 Flowers, floristic, sale

Bērnu pasākumu aģentūra

Dricānu 3, Rīga, LV-1019
Organization of events: ✓ Thematic parties; ✓ Interactive performances; ✓ Inflatable trampolines; ✓ Holiday decoration; ✓ Photo and video services Interactive performances:

Interactive puppet shows involve the active participation of children during the event. The actors manage the puppets so skillfully that the puppets seem to come alive on stage. Children begin to believe that the doll is able to talk, dance and troll funny songs with them. Surprisingly musical and funny performances are offered by Maslyukov's creative workshop from Moscow.

Tulpe VN, LTD

Driksas 15, Jelgava LV-3001
Flowers, indoor plants, flower trade, flower shop, flower trade, floristry. Flowers, flower delivery, flower trade, floristry, flower trade floristry, bridal bouquets, flowers, floristry supplies, flower shop cut flowers, flower bouquets, indoor plants, bridal bouquet, greeting ornaments, flower ornaments, wedding bouquets, flowers with

Saulespuķe, flower shop-base

Kalna prospekts 1A, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001
, indoor plants, flower ornaments, stage decors, wedding bouquets, bridal bouquet, room decoration, show -window

Anemone S, LTD

Uzvaras 5, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
Flower salon, Indoor plants, Flowers, Flower delivery, Flower trade, Floristry, Flower trade floristry, Bridal bouquets, Flowers, flower trade, floristry, floristry supplies, flower shop, cut flowers, flower bouquets, indoor plants, bridal bouquet, greeting ornaments, flower ornaments, wedding bouquets, flowers with delivery, flower

Elizete, LTD, Flower gallery - sitting room ELIZETE

Elizabetes 25, Rīga, LV-1010
Show -window decoration. Flower online store. Quiet center. Center area. Cat, cats, cat friends.

Milli Pro, Flower base

Gunāra Astras 2 k-1, Rīga, LV-1084
Cut flowers, bouquets, indoor plants, bridal bouquet, flower ornaments, greens, garden plants, wedding bouquets, flowers, stage decors, roses, flower mail, flower delivery to addressee, pins, decors, compositions, show-window, room decoration, delivery. Baskets, room decoration, table, floor, floors, compositions, car decoration, wedding

ZS Elizeja, LTD

Zemgales 29, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
bridal bouquets, bridal bouquet, decors, pins, indoor plants, floristry services, materials, room, show -window

Vēja spārni, shop

Rīgas 27, Iecava, Bauskas nov., LV-3913
Show -window decoration. Funeral wreaths. Wreath making. Funeral bouquet making. Gift wrapping.

Noraga_s, LTD, flower salon in Jūrmala

Dubultu prospekts 18, Jūrmala, LV-2015
decorations, wedding car decoration, car decors, gifts, gift bags, gift wrapping, room decoration, show -window, , wedding accessories, car decors, church decoration, table decoration, photo areas, wedding stops, show -window

Sintija, flower salon

Vienības 72A - 2, Kārsava, Ludzas nov., LV-5717
Celebration, office, table, bureau, show -window, anniversary, event, presentation, wedding, wedding

Sintija, flower salon

Skolas 26, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
Celebration, office, table, bureau, show -window, anniversary, event, presentation, wedding, wedding bouquets

Milli Pro, flower shop

"Vidiņi", Griķi, Inčukalna pagasts, Siguldas nov., LV-2136
Flowers, floristic, sale

Milli Pro, flower base

Raiņa 39, Jūrmala, LV-2011
flowers, stage decors, roses, flower mail, flower delivery to addressee, pins, decors, compositions, show -window

Milli Pro, Flower base

Slokas 44A, Jūrmala, LV-2015
flowers, stage decors, roses, flower mail, flower delivery to addressee, pins, decors, compositions, show -window

Milli Pro, Flower base

Stūrmaņu 29, Rīga, LV-1016
flowers, stage decors, roses, flower mail, flower delivery to addressee, pins, decors, compositions, show -window